Preschool Programme
Play Nursery Programme (18 to 36 months)
This programme caters to children aged 18 to 36 months, and is curated to make learning fun and nurture your child holistically.
Kindergarten Programme (3 to 6 years old)
This programme prepares for and develops in each child a set of cognitive, motor, social, and creative skills as well as a positive attitude and aptitude for formal education and life beyond education.

Preschool Curriculum
The curriculum for our Preschool Programmes incorporated a blend of Montessori and Thematic approach as we believe this approach lays a firm foundation for holistic development in each child. It covers the following domains:
Language and Literacy
We employ Montessori language materials which are especially designed to teach children the intricacies of written and spoken language. Children use this language materials to explore letters and their sounds which serve as a foundation for spelling and writing. Daily activities which include storytelling, rhymes and songs teach children how language works and help support their communication and speech development.
Practical Life Exercises
Practical life activities help your child accomplish life skills in a purposeful way. These activities include lessons in care for self, care for the environment, grace and courtesy. Your child learns to be more independent which leads to greater self-confidence and the ability to face new challenges.
Children are ‘sensorial explorers’. As such, sensorial activities tap into a child’s 5 senses of learning. These activities aim to assist the child in concentrating on the refinement of his/her intellectual senses through working with the sensorial materials.
Montessori math materials guide your child to approach math with hands-on and visual experience. They allow your child to associate concrete knowledge/experiences to abstract concepts and thus give a sequential understanding of mathematical concepts.
Project Work
Our project works during the school holidays provide opportunities for the child to produce his/her own art pieces, explore mini science experiments that teach him/her about the world he/she lives in and learn cooperation and collaboration skills with others in the process of the project work.
Believing in the importance of bilingualism, we foster the successful bilingual development by incorporating learning of Chinese language in our curriculum. Hands on and interesting lessons (with the use of songs, stories, rhymes, poems, dramas, art) are at the heart of teaching Chinese language at Camelot. We foster a joy for learning Chinese communication and penmanship skills.
Book Your Seat!!
45A Carmichael Rd, Singapore 359826